98 Funny Questions to Ask Google Assistant - Web technology gyan sager


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Sunday, August 2, 2020

98 Funny Questions to Ask Google Assistant

Fun With Google Assistant :-

If you use Google Assistant anywhere, you'll love these!

Google Assistant Fun

Google Assistant Is More Like You Than You Thought 

  1. What's your sign?
  2. Can you pass the Turing test?
  3. Do you have a heart?
  4. Do you ever get tired of answering questions?
  5. Do you believe in ghosts?
  6. What color are your eyes
  7. What time do you get up in the morning?
  8. Did you sleep well?
  9. Do you have a family?
  10. What's your shoe size?
  11. What language do you speak?
  12. What religion are you?
  13. What are your powers for?
  14. Are you God?
  15. What's your best feature?
  16. Where do you live?
  17. Are you a machine
  18. What color are you?
  19. How much do you weigh?
  20. Are you a man or a woman?
  21. What's your favorite color?
  22. When is your birthday?
  23. How old are you?
  24. Do you have an imagination?
  25. Do you want to get married?
  26. Do you want to go on a date?
  27. You hurt my feelings
  28. Can you cheer me up?
  29. Kiss me.
  30. Can you clap for me?
  31. Give me a hug
  32. Are you in love?
  33. What can I call you?
  34. What can we talk about?
  35. Do you want to argue about something?
  36. What's your biggest fear
  37. Do you have feelings?
  38. Who is your role model?
  39. Who is your boss?

Google Assistant Memes & Legends :

  1. Do you believe in the tooth fairy?
  2. Why is six afraid of seven?
  3. What's Your Favorite Meme?
  4. Do you believe in leprechauns
  5. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
  6. How old is Santa Claus?
  7. Do you believe in the tooth fairy?
  8. Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?
  9. Beam me up
  10. More cowbell, please
  11. Where do babies come from?
  12. Ok, Google my precious

Google Jokes, Stories, Riddles and Rap :-

  1. Is your refrigerator running? 
  2. What's black and white and red all over?
  3. Why did the chicken cross the road?
  4. Tell me a ghost story
  5. Can you rap for me?
  6. Tell me a story
  7. Can I tell you a joke?
  8. Could you tell me a joke?
  9. Am I funny?
  10. OK Google, make me a sandwich
  11. Can you rap? 

Google Assistant Games:-

  1. I'm bored
  2. What are you going to do today?S
  3. Sing me a song
  4. Testing 1-2-3
  5. I'm thinking of a number between 1-100...
  6. Let's Play Rock, Paper, Scissors
  7. Tell me a Fun Fact
  8. Can I tell you a secret
  9. Which came first the chicken or the egg
  10. Play me a video.
  11. What do you like to play?
  12. What kind of music do you listen to?
  13. Tickle tickle!
  14. Let's play Trivia
  15. What's in the box?
  16. Google, do a barrel roll
  17. Let's get spooky!
  18. Do you know the muffin man?
  19. See you later alligator

Google Assistant Practical Help :-

  1. Flip a coin
  2. I'm home
  3. Are you working?
  4. How high can you count
  5. Forget that
  6. Who's better you or Siri
  7. Do you know Alexa?
  8. What are you wearing? 

Google Assistant Feeling :-

  1. I have a cold.
  2. Do you have a cold?
  3. What is the meaning of life
  4. I'm Sad
  5. I have the flu
  6. I'm lonely
  7. You Rock!
  8. Do you exercise?
  9. I think you're funny.

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